Nutrition Label Images
You can download your recipes nutrition labels as images (png or jpg) for using in custom labels or menus, emailing to customers, creating spec sheets, or whatever else you need them for.

Once you download this image, your browser will open the image in a new tab that looks like something like this:

There are a few important / advanced things that you should note that you can do with this image and the URL.
This URL will always be available (unless the Internet breaks) and will not change (this image is now cached and it won't change if you update your recipe nutrition data). If you update your recipe - a new URL will be created.
You can save this image to your computer and do with it whatever you like. By default the image is a PNG file.
If you want a JPG file instead, simply click in the url bar and add a .jpg to the end of the URL, hit enter, and a JPG will be downloaded instead.
You can magically resize this image right in your browser by adding query parameters to the end of the URL. If you want the image to resize automatically to 200 pixels wide, you can just add ?width=200 to the end of the URL (see below) and hit enter, and a 200pixel wide version will be created and loaded automatically.

A Note About Fonts
For those technically or design inclined, the bold fonts on the generated labels are currently Libre Franklin by default (similar to Franklin Gothic), and the remaining fonts on the label default to Lato.
The reason for this is that they are very close to standard defaults often found on nutrition labels (Helvetica, Arial), but they are available using Google Fonts. We use a third party service to generate these images, and their service is not currently able to license Helvetica or Arial from their foundries.