Ingredient Categories
Using Ingredient Categories in Recipe Cost Calculator is a helpful way to keep your ingredients organized, and also provide some helpful underlying organizational features.
You can access your ingredient and recipe categories from the primary navigation on the left side of the screen.

By default, we create three categories for you, plus a special non-editable category called "Uncategorized". Those categories are:
Of course you can create as many categories as you like to organize your data as you see fit.

Within each category we offer you the ability to change two pieces of information which include:
Whether or not ingredients in this category should be included in generated ingredient lists (like on spec sheets or printed ingredient lists)
Whether or not ingredients in this category should be considered a food item
When we create the categories we automatically set Labor and Packaging to be Non-Food items that do not show on ingredient lists. You are welcome to change these as you see fit.
Recipe Cost Breakdowns by Category
When you take the time to properly categorize your ingredients in Recipe Cost Calculator you have the added advantage of Recipe Cost Calculator breaking down your costs for you on a per-category basis which can provide valuable business insights in terms of areas to target for cost-savings or for hitting certain targets or goals (specifically ingredient or labor percentage targets, for example).