Allergen Tagging
Understanding Allergen Tagging and Ingredients Without an Allergen Declaration in Recipe Cost Calculator
In Recipe Cost Calculator it is possible to tag ingredients with any major allergens. It's important to note that for any given ingredient there are three (3) different states when it comes to allergen declarations for ingredients:
No Allergen Declaration. This is the default state for new ingredients, and it is the default state for all ingredients that were created in Recipe Cost Calculator before we implemented the Allergen Tagging feature. We do not assume that just because an ingredient has not been flagged as containing any major allergens that it does not contain any allergens. We wait until a user (you) specifically updates the ingredient to indicate that it does not have any allergens before saying so explicitly on ingredient and recipe detail pages.
Does Not Contain Allergens. You may update ingredients from "No Allergen Declaration" to specifically state that an ingredient does not contain any major allergens.
Contains Major Allergens. When you flag an ingredient as containing allergens you also specify which of the major allergens the ingredient contains. In this way we are able to show on all your recipe pages exactly which allergens are contained in that recipe based on the ingredients used.
The screenshot below is the Allergens page for the recipe Basic Butter Cream. You'll notice it indicates that the ingredients used in the recipe contain Milk and Eggs (2 major allergens).

When setting up your ingredients or recipes - you may find yourself looking at the Allergens page for a given recipe where you see a warning that several of your ingredients do not contain an allergen declaration. This is because we never assume that an ingredient has no allergens until you specifically say so.

To fix this, you'll want to go and edit the ingredients and either set the allergens that are contained in the ingredient, or specifically state that this ingredient has no major allergens.

If you say "No", we assume this ingredient has no major allergens. If you say "Yes" we will show you a list of the major allergens and let you select which major allergens are contained within this ingredient: