What is the "ingredient not included in weight calculations" message?
Some customers ask about the message that can often be seen on the recipe view page. It looks something like this:

Why is this message here and what does it mean?
Many food businesses (especially in baking and manufacturing) utilize weights for ingredients exclusively. These businesses often like to see a calculated total of the Gross Recipe Weight (this is the total weight of all the raw ingredients in a recipe). Sometimes, there are ingredients that we can't calculate a weight for because they have been added to a recipe by volume (like liquids that might not have been weighed) or items like packaging.
This warning is simply here to inform you that some ingredients are not included in the Gross Recipe Weight calculation.
The warning is safe to ignore if weights are not important to you, or if some ingredients simply don't have a weight that need including. If you would like the message to go away, you can create a measurement converter that converts your volume or each based ingredient to a weight, so that all ingredients are able to have a weight calculation performed on them.
If you have more questions, please send us an email or send us a message using the chat support.